Corazon Roxas Foundation

The Corazon Roxas Foundation (CRF) is a 501(c)3 California-based, non-sectarian, non-profit organization dedicated to effectively assisting and supporting organizations that provide education, medical assistance, housing and care for families in need.

The GuideStar Seal of Transparency (now Candid) indicates that the CRF Organization has provided key information to its Nonprofit Profile. Providing up-to-date information on CRF's performance helps potential donors and funders to make educated decisions on donating. Contributions to CRF are 100% tax-deductible as allowed by law. 


A short video of our process.

FINAL CRF Food Bank kits 8-2020 v2.mp4


We continue to assemble hygiene kits to respond to the most urgent needs of families we work with.  In the Philippines, hygiene kits are now a staple need to help the most affected by disease. We continue to distribute these kits to villages who often have no running water or sanitation. Shown in the video are volunteers assembling kits for distribution to villages and schools.  We could not do this without your help!

Latest Events at CRF

Bungad Elementary, QC

The pre school to grade school students at Bungad Elementary School receive over 800 donated English reading books. - Thank you supporters for making a difference!

 -August 2024


Through your generosity, several students now have a chance at a better life and are off to college!

Meet your scholarship recipients for 2024.       -August 2024

Children supported by the San Jose de Trozo parish receive our donation of  hundreds of English reading books. Helping to foster a love of learning through reading!- June 2024

Packing season begins. THANK YOU to Ken Kwidzinski, Jan Kerans, and Sheila Sardi for assembling and packing over 200 backpack kits for shipment. We hope to ship hundreds more backpacks for the 2024 school year to underprivileged children in the Philippines. Thank you donors for your invaluable support!!  -May 2024

Backpacks Distributed to Special Needs Schools

Bag distribution for Special Needs children at 5 schools in Laguna, Philippines

Each class serves a different challenge - hearing impaired and mute children, sight impaired, Down syndrome, autism and intellectual disabilities. 

Starting with one class, enrollment is growing as Bay Central is the only public school that provides special needs classes in that province.

Jan 2024

Christmas Food Distribution with our partners at ACAP to 150 families

In partnership with our partner, ACAP, we distributed food to over 150 families. 

Food distributed included basics like rice and beans.

Families came out to enjoy a Christmas presentation and lunch.

December 2023

Distribution of Backpacks in the province of Bukidnon

This was a long journey by ship and pickup to the island of Mindanao.

Children in the farming community  receiving their backpacks through our local partner

The children in the Lumad School with their new backpacks

They immediately opened up their backpacks to draw and color.

November 2023

Backpack Distribution in Mindanao

The students of Bawing Elementary School in the island of Mindanao  received a donation of over 150 backpacks. Thank you to Marichelle and Ernie Infante who made this all possible.
November 2023

CRF offers high school scholarships for 2023-2024 

CRF is sponsoring 8 low income senior high school students for the 2023 to 2024 school year. These scholarships will help these students with their basic needs like transportation and allowances needed to get through the school year without the worry about how to fund their basic school needs.  Thank you to all of you who support our organizations for making this possible for them!  October 2023  

Our new partner, ACAP, distributes over 150
backpacks and school supplies

Welcome to our new partner, ACAP Philippines! Through our partnership, we distributed much needed school supplies to the children in their organization. Their mission aligns closely with CRF, to provide a support structure for the most marginalized, poorest sector in the country. 
September 2023

San Jose de Trozo Parish receive school supplies

Through your donations, 160 children of the San Jose de Trozo Parish receive school supplies to start the school year. Thank you Father Peterson Tieng for your partnership and to our donors for making this happen!
August 2023

Preparing hundreds of Backpacks for Manila schools

Schools are open again and we are packing hundreds of backpacks and school supplies with friends, Jim and Lisa Burque, to ship to schools in Metro Manila. These backpacks are a lifeline for these families in poverty. Thank you for your support!!
August 2023

Palingowak Elem. School Receives School Kits

Our longtime supporters, Marichelle and Ernie Infante, distribute school supplies to the students at the  Palingowak Elementary School in Batangas in February.  These school supplies provide much needed educational support for these young children. Your donations make distributions like this possible!

March 2023 

CRF Partners with KNK for Food Distribution

Food was distributed to 50 indigent families through our valued partner, KNK Children without Borders this month. Food included a sack of rice, ham, bread and other basics. Thank you to all supporters for helping these families during the holidays!!

December 2022

Backpack donations received

Our second donation of 140 backpacks have been received by the Paciano Rizal Elementary School. Backpacks with school supplies are one of the most needed basics for school children in the Philippines.  Through your help we hope to continue to programs such as these that have an immediate impact for these families who struggle on $2 a day.

December 2022

Paciano Rizal Elementary School thanks you

Your donations were received by the Paciano Rizal Elementary School Los Banos in Laguna, Philippines. Donations of hundreds of books and hygiene kits will benefit  over 1,000 students in this school. Many thanks to our donors for making this possible! November 2022

Assumption Center Receives Book Donation

Our shipment of hundreds of children's reading books arrived at the Assumption Socio Educational Center  in the city of IloIlo. This center serves as a book library that will be used by all the students at the school. These centers are invaluable to the students now that school is open and children are physically back in the classroom after years of lockdowns from Covid. Thank you supporters for making these programs possible!
August 2022.

CRF/KNK distribute food packages to 200 families

To help address the food crisis during the pandemic, we worked with our long time partner, KNK (Children without Borders).  Through this partnership, we were able to purchase, assemble and distribute food packages for 200 indigent families in the communities of Bagong Silang, Caloocan City and Payatas, Quezon City.  These are some of the poorest communities where basic needs, like food, are not always met. This distribution was made in Honor of Carmelita Natividad, a long time supporter of our work.- June 2022

COVID is still alive and well in the Philippines

As more developed countries with access to vaccines resume their normal life, many countries around the world still struggle with containing Covid which has hit the poor disproportionately. Through our partners in the Philippines, the Sisters of Calvary, we continue to distribute Covid kits to the children who live among the trash mounds in the village of Payatas.  May 2022

Books for the Academy

Our Lady of Fatima Academy receives over 800 children's reading books to help children who are in strict lockdown during the pandemic. These books are priceless and help develop a love of reading/learning. Your donations make projects such as these possible. Thank you! - January 2022

Assumption /CRF distribute donations

CRF partnered with the Assumption College and the Sisters at the San Juan Nepomuceno school in Malibay to distribute our donation of 200 backpacks/school supplies and Covid kits.  Malibay slums are one of the poorest slums in the Metro Manila area, with Covid impacting many families.   
November 2021

House of Achievers Learning Center

In spite of worldwide shipping delays, hundreds of our books were able to reach San Juan City in the Philippines where they have found a home at the House of Achievers Learning Center. The center offers tutorial classes for pre school and grade school students. Teachers at this school rely on these English reading books to help improve and foster reading skills.

October 2021

Abundant Grace

We continue to distribute personal hygiene kits to local nonprofits like Abundant Grace. They serve the needs of the homeless and low income families in Half Moon Bay, California.

October 2021


September 2021
Requests for school supplies, Covid hygiene kits, and children's books are at an all time high. The pandemic has made it difficult for parents who have lost their jobs to find work impacting their children disproportionately.  Through your help, we are preparing over 500 kits for both domestic and international distribution next month.

Children and Youth Organization (KNK) Distribute our Covid hygiene kits

KNK (Children without Borders)  distributed our Covid kits through their Children and Youth Organization (CAYO) to the  hard hit families in Metropolitan Manila.  Door to door distribution was necessary as most families are still in lockdown. Often simple supplies like masks and sanitizers are difficult to get.
August 2021

An Almost Impossible Journey - Binone Elementary School

We delivered school kits and backpacks for 120 students to one of the most remote areas of the country. Tight coordination with the Binone Elementary school was necessary to ensure our shipment arrived at it's destination. Our supplies traveled thousands of miles from SFO to Manila by ship, docked in the port of Manila and again loaded on ship to the island of Negros Occidental.  From there on a jeepney for a 76 kilometer ride to the town of San Carlos. Hampered by strict lockdowns due to Covid and torrential rains which made the roads impassable, our teachers met our supplies at the final destination.   Amazing successful logistics in the most difficult of times.  These supplies make a huge difference for the children, teachers and parents. Thank you to our supporters for making it possible!
June 2021

Abundant Grace in Half Moon Bay receives our Covid kits

Distributed our Covid hygiene kits through Abundant Grace, a local nonprofit serving the homeless and low income communities in Half Moon Bay, California.
April  2021

Books for the Payatas Community Center

All through the pandemic, shipments continue to flow to Manila and the most remote areas of the Philippines in need of assistance. Our book shipments arrived and were distributed to the Payatas Community Center through our trusted nonprofit partner, KNK. These books will be a much needed resource as the country remains in lockdown.
May 2021

More Covid kits to the Ecumenical Hunger Program

Happy to be able to again provide our Covid hygiene kits to the Ecumenical Hunger Program in East Palo Alto.  During this pandemic, the number of families with food insecurity has grown tremendously. EHP provides them a much needed lifeline.
April 2021

We're All In!

Welcome to our new partner All In SF! We kicked of this partnership by supplying All In SF with hundreds of pandemic hygiene kits distributed to shelters in the San Francisco Mission District.    
February 2021


More Help to EHP!

We're back at the Ecumenical Hunger Program with another shipment of pandemic hygiene kits to help protect their volunteers while the pandemic rages on. EHP’s mission is to provide compassionate, dignified and practical assistance to families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship, particulary in these difficult times. Through your donations, we are proud to be able to provide these needed pandemic supplies to EHP.
January 2021

Books for Palatiw Elementary School

Principal Jean Manayan and her teachers at the Palatiw Elementary School receive CRF's shipment of English-language reading books for their public school library. It is extremely difficult for public schools in the Philippines to obtain English books.  A library with English books is one tool to ensure that school kids have an opportunity to learn how to read (and write) in English early. The Philippines is known as 'the world's contact center' with over 1.5M employed in this industry in Manila alone. The single attribute to be qualified for jobs is proficiency in English. Your donations go a long way towards helping prepare the school children be best prepared for jobs in the global economy.    

January  2021

Workers Receive Groceries for Their Families

Like many other cities in the world, many workers in the Philippines have either been laid off or have had their earnings cut significantly because of the pandemic.  Most in the low-income population struggle to make ends meet at $2 per day, down from the average wage of $12 per day. Workers in this group and their families are hit exceptionally hard and many resort to desperate measures just to get by. To help ease their hardship, CRF has initiated the distribution of hundreds of grocery bags to custodians and their families in hard-hit areas of Manila. This  helps offset their loss of income and ease the burden of the lockdown. Again, this would not have been possible without your generosity.  

December  2020

More COVID kits to EHP and Compass

Our tireless volunteers assembled hundreds more COVID kits in November. Our second distribution of these sorely needed supplies went to Compass San Francisco and the Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP) to meet the needs of the many families who rely on their assistance. Compass Family Services provides a wide range of support services designed for those in distress, including homeless and families in the San Francisco area affected by the pandemic.  EHP’s mission is to provide compassionate, dignified and practical assistance to families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship, particulary in these difficult times. Through your donations, we are proud to be able to provide needed supplies to both organizations.

December  2020 

More Deliveries to the Samaritan House

Sheila Sardi, Program Manager, delivered hundreds of COVID hygiene kits to the Samaritan House in San Mateo, California. Samaritan House is the largest food distribution agency in San Mateo  county and offers free shelter and housing assistance; medical and dental clinics; clothes for children; personalized case management and services and resources to more than 14,000 residents in need, including families with children, seniors and individuals living with a disability, veterans and homeless adults.The need for supplies and PPE in our local communities is still continuing to increase during this third wave of the pandemic. Your donations help us make this possible.  

 Nov  2020

Deliveries to the Mission Food Hub San Francisco

The Mission Food Hub in San Francisco has been overwhelmed with demand for food during this pandemic. Since our first visit in July, they went from serving 2,000 people to 7,000 today. Their dedication to individuals in need is inspiring. Your donations help us continue to deliver more Covid hygiene kits to volunteers and the people they assist.  These kits help people stay safe and contain the spread of the virus, which today, is everyone's goal.  

 Nov  2020 

Deliveries to the Ecumenical Hunger Program

Your donations helped us assemble and deliver hundreds of Covid Hygiene kits to the Ecumenical Hunger Program in East Palo Alto. EHP’s mission is to provide compassionate, dignified and practical assistance to families and individuals experiencing economic and personal hardship, particulary in these difficult times. CRF is proud to be part of this effort, thanks to your help! 

  Nov  2020

Las Pinas Hospital Philippines, receives Covid Kits

To help address the need for safety, we distributed hundreds of Covid hygiene kits to healthcare workers and their patients at  the Perpetual Help Medical hospital in Las Pinas, Philippines. Stressed by the pandemic, hospitals in Manila are overflowing with Covid patients, while supplies remain in short supply. Your donations go along way towards protecting those who need it the most!  

Nov 2020

Books delivered to Macayug Elementary School, Philippines

 Our work continues in the Philippines where hundreds of children remain in lockdown. Books received were distributed to needy children attending the Macayug Elementary School who do not have computers in their homes or access to the internet. Macayug Elementary School is a public elementary school in the Pangasinan region. Many public schools are without the resources to offer books much less create a library for their students. Oct November 2020

Covid Kits to Compass San Francisco

Program Manager, Sheila Sardi, delivered hundreds of COVID kits to the families supported by COMPASS in San Francisco. Compass Family Services provides a wide range of support services designed for those in distress, including homeless and families in the San Francisco area affected by the pandemic.  Your continued support allows us to deliver the much needed safety kits throughout the Bay Area. 

Oct 20, 2020

Martha's Kitchen

Program Manager Sheila Sardi, delivered over 200 COVID hygiene kits to Martha's Kitchen in San Jose, California. Martha's Kitchen is a Bay Area nonprofit that is now serving an extra 1,000 meals a day to keep up with the number of hungry in our communities whose lives have been displaced by this pandemic.  

Sept 13, 2020 

San Juan City Distribution

Our local Philippine manager, Mari Chavez Middlebrooks, delivered over a hundred COVID hygiene kits to the San Juan City Mayor's office for distribution to the COVID patients at the hospital as well as the families displaced by the large fire in Mandaluyong city. 

August 13, 2020


Mission Food Hub Delivery

We delivered hundreds of much needed kits with masks, sanitizer, tissue, soap and alcohol to the Mission Food Hub. MFH is providing food to thousands of families each week who have been affected by the pandemic. Help us support organizations like MFH that offer a lifeline for families in these difficult times.

Jul 3, 2020 

Volunteers Assemble COVID Kits

Families in the Bay Area are needing assistance more than ever. In some areas food lines up to 13 blocks long with over 1000 people form at 7 am. We are preparing to distribute hundreds of hygiene kits this week to help in the effort. Made possible only through your donations.

Jul 2020

Santa Lucia Library Books

Thousands of books were delivered to the community library in the town of Santa Lucia, Philippines to serve families who are on strict lockdown.  Posted May 14, 2020, 12:27 PM

Help to Volcano Evacuees

Responding to a request to help the displaced families of the Tagaytay volcano eruption a few weeks ago, we donated about 300 hygiene kits to the evacuation shelters. Only through your help can we continue to quickly respond to crisis situations like this. The families thank you for supplying them with the most basic of needs. Feb 16, 2020

Christmas Comes to Sampaloc

Your donations of books and backpacks bring smiles to the children of Sampaloc, Philippines. Christmas is especially difficult for these families in poverty. These distributions are often the only presents they receive. Thank you for all your support! December 24, 2019

More Backpacks for Christmas

Children at the Catechist school of Santuario del Santo Cristo  in Manila, Philippines, arrived for this special distribution wearing their best donated clothes to receive hundreds of backpacks filled with school supplies made possible only through your generosity. December 24, 2019

To view more CRF drives, events and programs, please click here.     

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